Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Burren: Ireland

  • The Burren: Ireland

    This place is truly a unique place to see. It is a place where there are no trees to hang a man. A place where there is not enough water to drown him. And if you finally succeeded in killing him, it’s too rocky to bury him. This place occupies an area of approximately 300 sq. kilometers.

    Burren’s landscape is special. The limestone is split and weathered. Everywhere are traces of Megalithic Tombs (like this famous Poulnabrone), ring forts, souterrains, cairns, holy wells and stone rows. There are relics of human habitation dating back almost 6000 years. In this area alone there are more than 60 wedge tombs and the densest concentration in Ireland.
    The Burren is situated south of Galway in County Clare, Ireland. Burren means “stony places.” The vast amount of stone works on the imagination of people. Not only 3000 years BC, but even today stones are piled up into nice shapes, maybe even with some (unknown) purpose.

    There are also different rock formations in this place. This area is also rich in historical ecclesiastical sites.

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