Wednesday 29 February 2012


(the holiest city of Islam)

    Mecca is the Holy city of Saudi Arabia and capital of Hejaz, located in a barren valley 46 miles east of Jiddah. Though it is at the elevation of 1400 ft, Mecca is intensely hot in summer. Dearth of water is a continual problem because of infrequent rainfall and few wells; yet occasional floods are caused by cataracts formed from the runoff of the monsoonal rains, which collect on hills east of the city. The soil is not suitable for agriculture. Despite these unfavorable natural conditions, Mecca flourished even in the pre-Islamic period as a caravan and a commercial centre as well as holy place. It was probably one of the stations on the incense route from the southern Arabia northward. The whole population, including women, was associated with the caravan trade and many people were accounted wealthy. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was born in Mecca in 570 A.D. He announced his early revelations here and left Mecca for Medina in 622 A.D.
    A pilgrimage to Mecca, the most sacred city of Islam, is one of the five obligations of every Muslim. The chief shrine of the pilgrimage is the Kaaba, the great Black Stone before which Muhammad (P.B.U.H) destroyed the idols of the polytheists on his triumphal return from Mecca to Medina. The Kaaba is housed within the vast courtyard of the great mosque, dating from 1570 A.D, the main architectural feature of the city. The mosque, surmounted by a huge dome, is in shape of parallelogram and the courtyard is enclosed by triple rows of columns. Thousands of pilgrims come to Mecca every year. The city is forbidden to non-Muslims, though a few have entered in disguise.
    Mecca is also a commercial center. Roads radiate from it in all directions; the road leading to the port of Jeddah is paved. Though there are few local industries, the city has hotels, guest houses, hospitals.

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